The Cross-Platform xBase.
3.4 Fork
function demoExample to test Browse()
function features.
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════╕ │ Record 1/500 │ │ STATE ZIP HIREDATE MARRIED AGE SALARY │ ╞═══════ ══════════ ══════════ ═══════ ═══ ════════╡ │ IL 20503-8202 1992-09-18 T 6 5900 │ │ MA 55774-2304 1984-10-17 F 28 123700 │ │ WY 09226-1483 1989-05-23 T 43 82900 │ │ SD 71947-5114 1985-05-09 F 34 138300 │ │ ID 38179-3789 1990-12-11 T 88 51800 │ │ CT 82378-0904 1992-02-24 F 90 20400 │ │ WV 94177-5329 1987-09-12 T 58 145300 │ │ RI 08218-8409 1988-02-16 F 46 118900 │ │ HI 82063-8091 1987-01-17 T 55 23700 │ │ AK 79021-0643 1989-08-28 F 89 96700 │ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════╛
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╕ │ Record 1/500 │ │ FIRST LAST STREET CITY STATE ZIP HIREDATE MARRIED AGE SALARY │ ╞══════════════════════ ════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════ ═════ ══════════ ══════════ ═══════ ═══ ════════╡ │ Homer Simpson 32179 Maiden Lane Springfield IL 20503-8202 1992-09-18 T 6 5900 │ │ Ceci Gibbard 9540 Raynes Park Road Miami MA 55774-2304 1984-10-17 F 28 123700 │ │ Reg Kaczocha 30522 Park Ten Place Scottsdale WY 09226-1483 1989-05-23 T 43 82900 │ │ Ralph Jochum 8211 Carnegie Center Hingham SD 71947-5114 1985-05-09 F 34 138300 │ │ Simpson Jaffee 32736 Meadowbrook Drive Nedlands ID 38179-3789 1990-12-11 T 88 51800 │ │ Tom Logan 6180 Roselle Street West Covina CT 82378-0904 1992-02-24 F 90 20400 │ │ Gary Brock 3893 Canandaigua Road Senford WV 94177-5329 1987-09-12 T 58 145300 │ │ Frank Fonseca 18712 Sherman Way Ashby RI 08218-8409 1988-02-16 F 46 118900 │ │ Rick Sencovici 13802 South University Arcadia HI 82063-8091 1987-01-17 T 55 23700 │ │ Hugh Lupton 16472 S. LaSalle Street Tarzana AK 79021-0643 1989-08-28 F 89 96700 │ │ Oskar Farley 19123 Washington Street Boston IN 25885-0851 1985-08-31 T 46 77300 │ │ Johnny Fischer 30621 Inridge Drive McLean WA 86275-8035 1988-11-12 F 37 2300 │ │ Corkey Young 9069 Avon Place Lund NC 36199-1793 1988-12-24 T 54 30000 │ │ Phyllis Lechuga 1457 Indianapolis Ave Council Bluffs AR 73036-5749 1987-01-29 F 94 84600 │ │ Chester Padilla 32385 Federal Street Ashby MS 82882-2447 1985-12-22 T 90 144000 │ │ Ali Halverson 10614 No. Sheridan Way Fort Collins VT 99748-6645 1991-05-17 F 57 136700 │ │ Renee Chism 136 West Markham Catawba NY 58492-3691 1989-02-25 T 78 9700 │ │ Vincent Woiska 13093 4th Street Jackson WY 28063-0466 1986-07-11 F 81 49600 │ │ Arnaldo Waldrop 27185 Terri-Lyn Devon Park KY 32428-6555 1992-05-13 T 74 106500 │ │ Herbert Fuller 4057 Parkside Avenue Canning Vale LA 03556-9645 1989-01-16 F 81 100500 │ │ Jimmy Coleman 27233 Amsterdam Ave Bayside VA 14986-9684 1988-06-11 T 96 93800 │ │ Garland Humphrey 31565 Brookwood Drive Atlanta DE 18082-8322 1985-01-20 F 57 12200 │ │ Dave Van Allen 12442 Highbury Avenue Camarillo HI 72163-4364 1984-01-12 T 86 133800 │ │ Homer Dodd 7139 Lawrence Ave West Rochester WI 58069-9538 1987-02-08 F 21 17600 │ │ Shawn Lupton 9119 Northern Parkway East Lempster FL 64531-9221 1986-04-26 T 84 84200 │ │ Andy Pels 3302 Cherokee Blvd Stevensville TN 75529-3235 1988-12-10 F 76 116600 │ │ Alfred Reslow 24662 Telluride Road Fullerton WA 01900-1402 1985-06-04 T 31 36100 │ │ Jamie Lyth 6929 Prince Charles Drive Paramus NC 01540-4969 1988-07-15 F 80 30500 │ │ Armand Cowen 25838 Commonwealth Drive Temecula KS 66763-1397 1991-01-07 T 49 91100 │ │ Barrie Thacker 14160 Kent Road Clearbrook PA 54253-1441 1985-04-20 F 87 68100 │ │ Earl Elbaytam 3138 W. Bullard Ft. Lauderdale MS 03367-6761 1992-02-03 T 70 119500 │ │ Varouj Dickens 25543 Black Avenue Murdoch VT 47647-8801 1986-01-05 F 89 57800 │ │ Matthew Saylors 15742 S. 608 Lilac Lane Hauppauge IL 04933-0079 1991-09-07 T 29 81300 │ │ Lucian Stanton 7953 Waterford Drive Athens CA 36127-8609 1989-11-05 F 71 121100 │ │ Keith Lokken 29698 Seabreeze Avenue Stevensville IA 01036-4252 1992-08-29 T 96 107200 │ │ Cindy Voltz 4556 Pipit Street NE Schaumburg ID 62218-9817 1984-03-01 F 66 6500 │ │ Holger Humphrey 900 Butler Pike Lisle CT 08281-0480 1983-11-02 T 55 134600 │ │ Maritza Sencovici 595 S Dadeland Blvd Bethesda ME 62686-3230 1984-07-22 F 51 111800 │ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛
To learn how to build/run this example, see this page.