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Snapshot Build

Latest source code can be downloaded from the repository page and it is also linked from the homepage. Snapshot binaries for the Windows platform are also built after each commit and are made available from the releases page and the homepage. These Windows binaries require an x64 OS to run and able to produce both x86 and x64 applications. The C compiler used in these snapshot builds is the latest release of MinGW.

Binary builds for other platforms can be built directly from source. See more on how to do that in the README.

While these packages are not intended for production use; they are most of the time solid to use in production. It is worth to keep an eye on the latest commits and/or ChangeLog to see if there is any work in progress and what changes to expect.

If you do encounter a bug, please test the latest snapshot build to see if it has already been fixed before reporting it.

Download Links

To download latest development sources, go to the Project Status section on the main page.

To download snapshot or stable binaries of Harbour, visit here.